It’s an immense pleasure for me to express my words about the place which has a huge respect and a safe place in my heart, my school. It was the year 2066 B.S. when I joined LFES, the year I was upgraded to class four. Well, I spent more than half of my school life in LFES. The whole seven years of my life, from grade four to ten are the most memorable, most beautiful, and more obviously the most productive years that lead me in creating a strong foundation for my future career and life that happened. I always feel very lucky to be a part of LFES wherever I go or whatever I become.
We all are familiar with the fact that any great building always stands on a strong foundation. This saying is applicable to everyone’s life too. LFES is always dedicated to building a strong base of its students. All the teaching and non-teaching staffs are very sensible and responsible towards their students. Love, care, and friendly behavior can make anyone obedient and faithful. There is no doubt about the academic excellence of LFES and this is most probably the feeling of every Ex-student who passed out from LFES. Besides academic excellence, LFES embellishes its students with ECAs, developing self-confidence, motivation, discipline, and goal setting.
Well, talking about me, I am one of the students of the 2072 SLC Batch. Currently, I am an Intern Architect, studying Bachelor's in Architecture Engineering at the Thapathali campus, Kathmandu. I proudly consider LFES as my guide who helped me reach out in whatever field I am in today. Being a student of architecture, now I came to realize how beautiful the space and environment LFES has provided to its student for schooling. A little far from the main city core, placed inside nature’s lap, LFES provides a healthy comfortable space; a space encouraging teaching-learning activities, a space connecting teachers, seniors, and juniors together along with the own world of each block may be primary, pre-primary or secondary. With comfortable infrastructure, along with service of facilities like labs, libraries, and playgrounds, LFES has left no stone unturned for providing the best in the schooling of children.
At last, I would like to say I feel very blessed to be a part of this family, will always have huge respect towards every member of LFES, miss every friend I made here, and miss every tiffin break and those game periods. With every word I wrote here, all the school days' memories flushed up upon me. I WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU LFES!!!

Inku dahal